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* [[C2Th2|Thursday 6/26/2014]]
* [[C2Th2|Thursday 6/26/2014]]
* [[C2F2|Friday 6/27/2014]]
* [[C2F2|Friday 6/27/2014]]
=== Documents ===
* Teaching Physics in the US [[File:1 Cohort 2 Baseline Physics Teachers in US PPT June 26 2014.pdf]]
* Teaching Physics in Alabama [[File:1 Cohort 2 BASELINE Description PPT June-25-2014-1 FINAL.pdf]]
* Action Research [[File:2 Cohort 2 ActionResearchWhole with Assignment PPT June-26-2014.pdf]]
* Action Research Instructions [[File:2 Cohort2 INSTRUCTIONS for APEX Act Res activity for WW1-6-25-14.pdf]]
* NSTA Position Statement Scientific Inquiry [[File:2 Inquiry NSTA Position Statement Inquiry 2004.pdf]]

Revision as of 12:44, 26 June 2014

Physics Teacher Institute - Cohort 2

The first PTI Summer Workshop is scheduled for June 16th to 27th, 2014 at Alabama A&M University.

IMG 0274 - 2014-06-24 at 16-18-22.png

PTI 2014 Individual Day Schedules
