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Friday 3/7/2014

Time Topic Presenter Location
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM Welcome/Greetings/Overview Dr. Barbara Cady, Alabama A & M University

Dr. Peter Hlebowitsh, Dean, College of Education, University of Alabama

Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC), 300 Hackberry Lane on UA Campus, Tuscaloosa AL 35401
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM Elicitation Learner Ideas (60 minutes) Dr. Jim Minstrell, Facet Innovations Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Heat & Temperature (Conductors, & Heat versus Temperature) [PTRA Activity #2 (15 minutes); PTRA Activity #3 (45 minutes)] Mr. Jim Nelson and Mrs. Jane Nelson, AAPT/PTRA Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
10:15 AM - 12:00 noon Heat & Temperature Continued (First Law of Thermodynamics) [PTRA Activity #7 (105 minutes)] Mr. Jim Nelson and Mrs. Jane Nelson, AAPT/PTRA Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
12:00 noon - 12:30 PM Lunch (In House) TBA
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Reflections/Action Research Dr. Dennis Sunal, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Heat & Temperature Continued (First Law of Thermodynamics & Specific Heat) [PTRA Activity #7 Continued (75 min.); PTRA Activity #8 (75 minutes); PTRA Activity #9 (30 minutes)] Mr. Jim Nelson and Mrs. Jane Nelson, AAPT/PTRA Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Formative Assessment of Learner Conceptions [Start Diagnoser Sets (30 minutes); Finish as homework] Dr. Jim Minstrell, Facet Innovations Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
5:30 PM - 6:15 PM Interpreting Learner Responses and Planning Actions to Address them [Diagnoser Data and BOLT- Discussion] Dr. Jim Minstrell, Facet Innovations Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
6:15 PM - 6:45 PM TPACK: Video Recording in the Classroom Dr. Marius Schamschula, Alabama A & M University Room 3408 Science and Engineering Complex (SEC)
6:15 PM Dinner (On Your Own)

Saturday 3/8/2014 >>